Thursday, August 7, 2014

If You have a Revision…

So, after my latest revision in 2012, I thought of some things I wish I had done to make healing more comfortable. OK, I admit, going to 2 concerts and a road trip within 10 days of the surgery probably didn't help. :)

The number one most important thing I think you should invest in is this:

It's a kid lap tray thingy that costs about $8 at Hobby Lobby, but one thing I hated was repositioning myself so I could eat from a TV tray. This thing just sits on top of you and its got places to put things and a writing/drawing/ eating area!

I didn't think of this until a long time later - even though we had one of these pillows in the house. Getting comfortable is hard enough with a shunt - getting comfortable after shunt surgery is far worse. Turning one of these pillows vertically (depending on where your shunt is) and laying in that might have helped me.

I also would say to get some crafty like things to do -  if you like crafts - or just something to keep you busy when you can't move around.
I learned how to make these bracelets:

I also learned how to make a paper crane - well I learned how and I think I've forgotten it by now...hopefully it won't take another shunt surgery to help me remember!

As most of you who have had lots of surgeries know, getting out of the hospital as soon as possible is the number 1 priority. After my last revision, I was home within 36 hours. I did whatever it took to get out of that place and be back home where it was more comfortable.

But even more importantly, it's good to make sure your annoying younger brother goes out of town when you get home so you can have quiet recuperation! :)

A dog that does this for 2 weeks straight while you recovery is also nice <3 

I dressed her up for St. Patrick's day!

Sweet Dolly!

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