Monday, April 21, 2014

School part 3

      My next - my current - High School is Texas Connections Academy of Houston.  It's online homeschooling, so my mom doesn't have to make up lessons for me, it's like all the online college classes.   My parents said I could do it since I am really good at scheduling my time and keeping myself on track.  We were kinda given the impression that I would be able to catch up on my classes (the ones I fell behind in due to my surgery). I guess in some ways I could say it’s better than my old school - because I do get to decide when and what I study - like my old school, but it’s not great or even good for other reasons. But, it's just the same thing over again - they won’t accept (or understand) my 504 Plan…some of my teachers are not available when I need help (some only have office hours a couple hours a week). And it's hard for me to understand what they are saying - even when we are Skyping. I mean, I can hear and see them just fine, but they seem to only be able to think of one way to explain a concept. No matter what I ask - or how I ask, they give me the same answers.  "Live Lessons" are like the classrooms and class time.

     For example, since it's an online school we don't get textbooks. They are all available online.  Besides the fact that the school's website is slow - it's hard for me to read stuff on the computer. So, supposedly, I should get a copy of each textbook that I need, but the school says since it's not in my 504 from my old school (which did provide me with textbooks) they can't give me any. So, we bought the ones I needed most, which I really needed all of them, but since these textbooks are so expensive, I chose the top 3 I would be using the most.

     I’m thinking of trying yet another school next year. I'm still not caught up and will practically have 5 years of high school...oh well. My mom is making me go to the public high school I'm zoned for, where my brother is going…I really don't want to go!

(photo from the awesome Hyperbole and a Half)

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