Wednesday, April 16, 2014

"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie

      So, a couple weeks ago I read "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie...and I finished it practically in one sitting. I finished it by the end of the day and STILL did my school work. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED. I never read. I hate reading, it always hurts my eyes. Or the topic isn't interesting. Or I give up because I read a whole page and know the words I'm reading, but then I get to the end of the page and I can not tell you what I just read...or I re-read a line over and over and over and over...or I lose my spot...or I have no idea what the author is trying to tell me...or it makes absolutely no sense. Or any combination of the above.

    But. None of that happened when I read this book! It made perfect sense, it was crystal clear, I was interested in it, and I don't think I re-read too many lines AND I could get to the bottom of the page and would be able to tell you what just happened!!
I think it what might have helped some is that Sherman Alexie is from the same area of Washington State that I am from -  so I knew the places he was talking about! Also he has Hydrocephalus too! And that got me to thinking that maybe I understood his book so well is because maybe we think similarly -  or our minds work the same or something like that!


  1. This looks like a very exciting book, Eilish. I have never been into reading very much as I've never been so good at English but I look forward to buying this.

    1. I also don't really like reading, but I really liked this book. I have now read 2 of his and have started a third!
