Sunday, August 3, 2014

How similar Bonnie and I Are

Since I have had Bonnie each day I find something else that makes us very similar. Guys, seriously it's almost freaky how similar we are.

Not only do we both have Hydrocephalus, but we also have the same eye conditions Strabismus and Amblyopia. 

We both are super tiny. She was 3 pounds when we got her in March 2013 and she is only 6.5 pounds now - at 1 1/2 years old. Clyde on the other hand is now 16 pounds. I am also very tiny, an XL in the girls section is still too big for me. 

We both have weak ankles and stand in a really weird way that I can't explain. I would need a picture to show it, but I have never thought of taking one.

We both are easily entertained, give Bonnie a orange cat food cup and she is good to go. Me give me some paper and something to color with and I'm good to go.

We both are TERRIBLE about drinking enough water. My mom is constantly reminding me, and I am constantly "reminding" Bonnie. But, in a way "reminding" Bonnie has helped me remind myself. 

My grandma says we have a mix of shyness and boldness or independence. I used to be very, very shy - I have gotten better, but I do still get shy.  Bonnie is shy until she sees/ meets you, up close, because she can't see well. I think we are independent too. 

Bonnie can't see well, but she loves to watch the dust floating by, and my mom says I used to do that when I was little. 

Bonnie and Clyde are from the same litter and I had a twin sister.

My sister had a heart defect and Clyde does too.

Also, we both have brothers, who act like brothers... beating up on us and stuff. Being brothers.

We both like to swim for the most part.

We both LOVE to be outside.

We are both very happy and excited.

We both are ok with thunderstorms.

Since we got Bonnie her hair has changed from black to dark brown like mine.

We are also very unique too and "special" in a way and sometimes awkward as well. 

We kinda are both socially awkward in a way.

That's all I can think of now, but I feel like I am forgetting some. Another way Bonnie and I are similar - we forget things!

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