Friday, August 22, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

We raised $395 dollars with my version of the Ice Bucket Challenge! That means I have 20 buckets of water to pour on my head! Wow!

I did get 2 requests for me to not pour water on my head, making it  a total of 14 buckets of water (because of the amount that was donated)! Wow, still!

And we got requests for me to dump water on my mom's head as well. I think it sounds like 3 buckets worth. Bonnie is also doing 1!

So I have 10 and my mom has 3, and Bonnie has 1. 

(Now, I know there's people on the internet that would like to call that abusing a dog, so before those people want to throw a fit watch this video!) 

This is her most favorite game, it is all she wants to play! It's basically the only thing she "asks" ME to do with her! She only wants me to play this game with her, just getting a video of it was difficult enough. She doesn't like anyone else around!

(My brother mowed the lawn, that's a G in the back.)

I did 1 today mainly because that would be a really long and probably boring video of me just pour 11 buckets of ice water on my head. Plus that's all the ice we had at the moment! Here you go... it's pretty un-eventful, no screaming and squealing, sorry! :) My version of the ice bucket challenge.

And lastly, Bonnie's! (mom said she was going to do hers another day).