Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dog Park

Hey everyone! It's me, Bonnie! It's been a while since I posted! I've been really busy.

        I got to go on a special car ride today! Most my car rides end up at the vets. And that's not fun. But this one I ended up at a special place called Wiggle Field Dog Park! I have never been to a dog park before. I didn't even know what it was!  It was very fun! 

       We got there and at first Clyde and I were the only ones, so that was nice because we could check everything out first. It was so huge and I could run forever! Then 2 small white dogs came in and Clyde and them ran all over the place.  I played with them a little bit. Clyde got REALLY tired. I also found a LOT of bugs that I played with. I watched them forever.

Then, a small old Chihuahua came after the other 2 dogs left and we all played too. I said "Hi" to the big dogs on the other side of the fence. One dog I said "Hi!" to over and over and over, but he ignored me.  I also had fun digging holes and watching the bigger dogs go swimming in the pond. It so much fun! I didn't want to leave! 

It was a big place!

I found a bug!

Clyde said hi to a big dog.

Clyde was so tired! He had just ran allover the place playing with some of the dogs!

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