Friday, June 20, 2014

I Have Had A Busy Week!

I have had a lot happen in the past few days! 

First, I finally got my Drivers Permit, so now I can start to learn how to drive! I was so afraid I wasn't going to pass that little test, but it actually was easy. I had nothing to worry about.
Also, I got my Seattle Seahawks 12th flag! Yay! I FINALLY have one and I have some big plans for what to do with it! :) You will see more of that later.

And last, I signed up to start volunteering for DFW Rescue Me, the group where we got the pups! I also signed up to foster dogs. We decided we could foster if the dog needs a emergency temporary place to stay before they can find a more permanent foster, or if the dog's foster family is going on vacation, then we will watch it.

So today we picked up a pup for the week while his foster family is out of town!! We get to puppysit him the whole week. Look at him! 

His name is Max. He is 6 weeks old and they think he is a Shiba Inu pup.

He is so tiny he makes Bonnie and all of her 6 1/2 pounds look big!

Bonnie, Clyde and Dolly have all been very nice to Max. There is A LOT of tail wagging and sniffing and slobber. Bonnie got a bit too nice she had to be put outside so he could sleep - Bonnie would not stop licking him. Just as we had guessed!

Finally, It was nap time for Max and Clyde. Bonnie, Dolly and I went outside to plant and water some more plants and play with the hose. Bonnie likes to attack the water!

Look at that! So cute!

I think Bon Bon got a little bit jealous, because Max kept sitting in my lap.  That's usually what Bonnie does. There was still room for Bonnie, but she decided to go off to a different pillow.

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