Saturday, March 1, 2014


Hey Everyone!

My name is Eilish Mangnall. My twin sister Hanley and I were born 2 months early. I developed Hydrocephalus from being born early, and my sister was born with a heart defect and she had a couple open-heart surgeries but died when we were 8 months old. I have had 8 surgeries so far: the placement of the shunt which was my first Christmas present, 5 revisions, an eye surgery and a triple hernia surgery (both were caused by Hydrocephalus). My latest revision was in March 2012. I’ve been doing really well. Basically I’ve created this blog to post about what it's like living with Hydrocephalus. Luckily, I have someone who will be helping me…

Me (left) and Hanley (right).


      Hi, I am Bonnie, and this is the Tale of Bonnie (and Clyde, my brother). I am a little over 1 year old, and I was the runt of my litter.  Eilish’s family adopted us in March 2013 and we were settling in good, but then my brother got sick (maybe from something he ate). Eilish and her mom took us to the vet’s and the doctor gave Clyde medicine.  But we also found out he has a very serious heart defect.  The vet also looked at me and that’s when I was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus. My human mom and sister couldn’t believe that they had just adopted 2 dogs from the same litter that had the same medical problems as Eilish and Hanley! Pretty crazy!

                                                    The day we came home.

                                                         This is me, Bonnie!