Sunday, March 30, 2014

It’s been a year since we adopted Bonnie and Clyde!

 It’s been a year since we adopted Bonnie and Clyde!!


We first saw them at the North Texas Irish Festival in 2013. We had gone to the Festival the year before, but it was 2 days before my latest shunt revision - and even though I love everything Irish, one of the reasons we went was because my mom was trying to think of things to do that would keep my mind off of the upcoming surgery.  So the next year, we wanted to go back so I could actually enjoy it!

Baby Bonnie and Clyde!! Bonnie was a pound and Clyde was 2 pounds in this photo. This photo is from DFW Rescue Me.

We thought they were so adorable and tiny and odd, and Bonnie looked so goofy! But we couldn't stop thinking about them, so we went to 2 more DFW Rescue Me adoption events to see them again. Both times I held Bonnie for over 2 hours and my mom held Clyde! Bonnie would bury herself in my arms and hide from everyone. It was like she had already chosen me, and didn't want anyone else to find her!  Finally, we decided to adopt them. At first we were going to only get Bonnie - because, honestly, we didn't think anyone else would. There had been no interest shown on her adoption page. But since her and Clyde were inseparable, we knew they had to stay together. (They were found together in a box that was left overnight outside of an animal shelter.) We adopted them from DFW Rescue Me, a really great animal rescue group. When we found out about the pups medical problems they said they would help pay for the costs.


Sister and Brother riding home for the first time. So cute! It was cold when we adopted them and this was the only clothing items (in their size) that we could find. (By the way, we did not name them Bonnie and Clyde! That was the names given to them by the foster group. We called them Bonnie and Clyde while we were trying to think of other names, but by then, the names had stuck.)

I made them put the shirts back on…. look at that excitement!

Bonnie and Clyde are great dogs. I love them so much and I am so glad I have them! I was shocked when we found out about Bonnie and Clyde’s medical conditions. It’s so crazy, out of all the dogs we could of adopted and all the people that could have adopted them...we got them!

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