Wednesday, March 5, 2014

School - Part 1

As if school wasn’t boring or annoying enough, it is also very hard for me. It takes me so much longer than everyone else to do the work assigned and it’s even harder when I don’t have helpful teachers.

In the past, I have had some good teachers. Elementary school wasn’t that bad even though it was still hard for me.  I probably never needed a written 504, because the teachers were very helpful and they would just accommodate for my needs (like any nice normal person would do) without been told to by a piece of paper. Middle school was practically the same.

For those of you who don't know, click here for more info on a 504 Plan. What is a 504 Plan? 

Basically my "plan" was that I was able to sit closer to the front (since I'm only 4'11" NOW that was needed anyway!), the teacher would make copies of anything she was writing on the board or the overhead (with my vision it was hard for me to keep up with writing things down quickly), I was allowed to use a rolling backpack for my textbooks, since I was so small and the books were so heavy and a regular backpack put too much strain on my neck...and I was also allowed to keep copies of textbooks at home.  Also, I wasn't allowed to do a lot of PE contact sports. My PE teachers always got scared with this and so wouldn't have me do ANYTHING. Which was fine with me!
One day in middle school, my mom was actually at the school meeting with the staff about my 504 Plan, when the nurse came in to say that I had been hit in the head by a Frisbee. I got a little cut on my eyebrow, and almost needed stitches. And the principal added, "no Frisbee playing" on my 504.
But High School? Now THAT'S a whole other story.