Sunday, July 27, 2014

Bonnie Likes to Helps Me Garden

     Bonnie likes to help me plant plants, and water the plants. The other day I was planting an avocado tree and went to go get some water and when I came back I found Bonnie like this. She tries to stand in every pot I plant something in.
standing with the avocado tree

     She follows me back and forth and waits for me to get water, dirt, or a plant and then she follows me back and just sits and watches me.

     However, she is not being very patient with the carrots and pulls them out along with some flowers that I guess she wasn't a fan of! ;)

Flower she didn't like.

     I get these little tiny flowers that I have actually never seen what they look like because someone (Bonnie? Clyde?) bites them off before they bloom. 

    Also one of her most favorite things in the world is helping me water all the plants. Seriously, she gets so excited! We unroll the water hose and water the plants and then we go to the grass and she runs and bites the water and sticks her head under the stream of water. She loves to run through it and then it makes her sneeze and after a couple minutes she is soaking wet and shivering. So then I take her inside to dry her off. However, she tries everything to go back outside and play with the water hose.

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