Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Portland Here We Come!

My mom and I head off to Portland tomorrow!! Yay!

I'm so excited to go to the Hydrocephalus Conference! I wonder how many people will be there from the last one. I signed up for some cool sessions at the conference too, and I am very excited about them!

Also, we are staying a couple extra days to do some things in Portland and go to the coast. I think it's been maybe 10 years since I was last there!! Also I am finally going to go to Voodoo Doughnuts! 

And we might go to some places that are on Portlandia! And eat at some cool places. And maybe see if they have some different options for clothes then what Dallas has. 

BUT that means the guys are staying here and have to take care of all 3 dogs and maybe our cat, if she shows up this week. She was here all last week so it may be time for her to go on another adventure. 

Anyways this means a very detailed list:

-Clyde get meds at 8 am and 8 pm you give him .75ml of Lyrica from the orange triangular bottle and .7ml of Altenol from the round brown one. At night he gets a 1/2 tablet of Prednisone from the blue bottle for 3 more days then you start a 1/2 tablet every other night.

-Dolly get 2 of the Benadryl (pink) when she wakes up and 2 before she goes to bed.

Dolly gets 2 1/2 cups of special adult dog diet food a day from the white scoop in the box labeled Dolly.

-Bonnie CANNOT stay outside all day (even if she wants to), since she is all black and drinks no water. The other 2 will let you know when they want in. You will have to drag Bonnie inside and ignore her cute attempts at trying to get back out and being angry at you. And all her growls (that actually sound like she's purring and blowing bubbles). But, also the dogs can't be inside all day unless you want to clean up even more messes. I know Clyde will already have plenty for you.

-And we might have to clarify that- you cannot give the dogs everything you may want to. And we may have to tell them that they might have to wake Dolly up and make her get out of bed, because she will sleep all day if you don't. Like Graçon.

-Oh, I almost forgot! No pups outside while you are mowing the lawn...since Bonnie believes everything is her friend. And make sure the pups are inside, in their playpen before you leave the house.

-And little things like it would be nice if you water my flowers in the backyard. On the patio and also by the pool equipment.

And no throwing away any mugs while we are gone.....

:) They are gonna hate me for posting this!

See look how well my sunflowers are doing! :)

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