Monday, July 7, 2014

Road Trip

The other day we had to take Clyde down to A&M for a check-up with the vets at the university. (By the way, Bonnie didn't get to come and she wasn't very happy about that.) We were up at 5:30 am and headed out by 6. Clyde did very well. The pups always are very good on road trips - better than my 15 year old brother. On the way down Clyde spent most of the time sleeping in his crate on the floor.

We got there for his appointment at 10 am and they took him for a few hours to do some tests. The reason he had an appointment was that he has been biting his feet till there was no fur left on them and they were red. The last time he did that was before he started taking Lyrica, so we took him down to see if maybe his dosage or medication needed to be changed.

So, we knew we had at least 3 hours to kill. Even after stopping to get something to eat, we still had a long time to wait. What else should we do? Well, remember when I said I got my Seahawks 12th Man Flag and had some big plans for it? 

Guess what I did! I took our Seattle Seahawks 12th Man Flag to Kyle Field at A&M and took pictures in front of some of their 12th Man signs. I just HAD to do it!  Some students walked by and laughed, saying, "Oh no a Seattle 12th man!" 

I've never been to A&M since the rescue group has always taken Clyde to his appointments. So....this could possibly have been my only chance to hold the flag up there!

I thought it was kind of a cool situation since I'm from Washington and have been a Seahawks fan my whole life, but then I moved to Texas 7 years ago. I had no clue about the A&M 12th Man story until about 6 months ago. Despite being in A&M country, I had only heard of Seahawks 12th Man.  So when I heard we were taking Clyde down to A&M I thought I might as well bring the flag!

It was so windy that I had to kneel on the flag to hold it down!

After all that fun, we went back and picked Clyde up and headed home. They said his heart hasn't gotten any worse - so that was good, and gave us some different medications to try for his nibbling. However, eventually we will probably need to up his Lyrica dosage - which is what we thought.  

On the way back home Clyde felt he needed to test out every seat in the car. Now theres Clyde fur everywhere in my brand new car. 

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