Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day 3, The Last Day of the Conference

Again...since my mom and I stayed up till 2 we skipped breakfast and the keynote speakers. At our first conference in 2012 we went to EVERYTHING and we didn't bail out on anything.  But a lot of the stuff at this year's breakfast and lunch was information that was very similar to the last conference. So, we didn't feel as bad sleeping through them this time. I had the last of our Voodoo doughnuts for breakfast and I'm really not much of a doughnut person so I kinda don't need another doughnut for a year!

My first session of the day was "Speak Up: Owning Your Condition" and the speaker had some good information about being your own advocate. I have a sheet of the tips and maybe I can share them later for another post topic. After that, my mom and I went to "Anxiety, Depression, and Hydrocephalus" I didn't get to finish it, because I started to not feel so good, so I went to our room for a while. My mom will have to tell me what she learned.

That is what I like the last conference I had some times where I didn't feel so great to and no one grilled you on why you were leaving or why you didn't show up, because this all kinda happens to everyone here. So, everyone understands that maybe you have a headache and need to go somewhere where it's dark and quiet for a while, because bright lights and noise don't really help a headache.

I went back down for lunch and they announced some awards and then I left and wandered around. Then my mom and I went to the mall next door. I found a Seahawks sweatshirt, and keychain, and magnet! I also got 2 other tee shirts, and some jewelry. Yay! I was mainly looking for more plaid shirts, but they were all too big. Then we came back and I did some more photos and videos for promoting the conference.  My mom ran to Safeway to get me Ibuprofen, because I had a TERRIBLE headache and Ibuprofen is the only thing that works for my headaches. I couldn't wait for her because my head was hurting so bad I started asking around for anybody that had some. Luckily, since this is a meeting of people who have Hydrocephalus, I was able to find Ibuprofen quickly. And how I forgot my Ibuprofen at home...I don't know! I always have it everywhere with me!

Then I went upstairs to get ready for the Dinner Dance and Talent Show.  I did not perform this year. The dance was really fun - just getting to dance and hang out with friends!! I danced the whole night, which is funny because I usually don't do that. It was a great way to end another great conference! I can't wait for the next one!! 

Jamie and I at the "after party".

Me and some of the Garzon family!!

There were so much photos taken, but not on my phone! I will have to post more when I find more!


  1. Everyone's loss that you didn't perform!! You will have to sing at the bonfire...

    1. I wanted to sing, but I couldn't get a karaoke version of the song.
