Monday, July 14, 2014

Cannon Beach

My last day in Oregon!! No!
Today we woke up and went to the beach in Seaside and I swung on an old swing set in the sand then I played in the water, again. I think it was colder today than yesterday! After that we went and ate at Pig n' Pancakes. We ate there the last time we were in Seaside too. We looked through some stores, but they were just the typical touristy stores - though we did find a few good trinkets. 

So, we headed off to Cannon Beach. We stopped along the way at Ecola State park and hiked on muddy, root filled trails -  1 and 1/2 miles up and down hills in flip flops to a beach, and then 1 and 1/2 miles back in sandy wet flip flops in rain which made the trails even more slippery. When we finally got to the car, we saw an elk! Ooh ah, like I've never seen that before! :)

On the way to Indian Beach.

On the way back from Indian Beach (photo taken in same spot as above photo.)

When we made it to Cannon Beach, it was so foggy you couldn't even see Haystack Rock! It cleared up a lot though by the time we left. We walked on the beach again, and my mom went in the water to get a dying starfish and then her and some people poked it and put it back. 

We had dinner at Sweet Basil's Cafe in Cannon Beach. It was very good and I think there were only 4 tables in it. Then we drove back to Portland and returned the car, got to the hotel, and we leave for Texas tomorrow morning. 
I don't want to go back, but I think I will be bringing Portland's "Heat Wave" down to Texas except in Texas it will be considered a "Cold Front" instead!! Ha!
I am very very excited to see my dogs when I get home though!!

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